
The Mnemonic Capacities of Architectural Paranoia:
This thesis topic illustrates the ways in which moments of paranoia in architecture can be used to enhance a person's memory of occurring or transpired events. It is based on the premise of acquiescence in Chilean culture and the 2010 earthquake near Concepcion, Chile.

Timber Technology
This project was sprung from the advancements of new technologies in timber construction, in this case, cross-laminated timber. This study explores methods of joinery and the advantages of using CLT in modern building situations.

Karangahape Hostel
Stemming from a contaminated site, this proposed hostel was designed as a satire pointing at the ways in which tourists and travelers pollute local culture and authenticity despite their desire for authentic experiences. Also, check out the Process of making this design.

Collapsing Container Shelter
Based in rural Afghanistan, this collapsable container is meant to be the "missing link" between emergency shelters and permanent structures. The unit is a safe core for earth construction that will protect the inhabitants from future earthquakes.

ContainerTech Design Competition
Winning design for ContainerTech's new headquarters (unbuilt). This design utilized an existing structure of shipping containers and retrofitted them for the desires and qualifications of the client.
Preliminary Sketches

New Earth Farm
This pro bono project was quickly conceived for an organic farm in the Pungo area of Virginia Beach, Virginia. It is the result of a collaboration with Work Program Architects and is set to begin construction in March of 2012.